Losing Your Dad to Heart Disease with Comedian Liz Glazer (Boston Comedy Festival, Winner 2020)
Liz began her career as most standup comedians do: as a tenured law professor. Liz won first place in the Boston Comedy Festival and Ladies of Laughter Competition, has been featured in a full article in the Wall Street Journal, and has opened for Myq Kaplan and Maria Bamford. Liz was also a part of the Seattle International Comedy Competition and will be a part of the upcoming HBO Women in Comedy Festival. As an actor, Liz has appeared on ABC's FOR LIFE and CBS's BULL, and is on the faculty at Lesly Kahn & Co., the Los Angeles acting studio. Today we discuss the loss of Liz's father to heart disease in 2020. @lizglazer

Liz attended the University of Pennsylvania, receiving her B.A. magna cum laude and M.A. in Philosophy. Liz then attended the University of Chicago Law School where she was a member of the Law Review. While she was a law professor, Liz published law review articles in the Northwestern University Law Review, the Georgetown Law Journal, the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender, the Columbia Law Review Sidebar, and more. AND THEN, Liz gave it all up to do comedy, where her material draws from her own life as a lesbian, a rabbi's wife, and a former lawyer.
Liz's Rec: https://750words.com/ http://www.dearlizglazer.com
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